Two welded iron sculptures by artist "Jean Alexandre Delattre"

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ID 956983 DV 3538 ( mgnes)
14000 €
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    Two sculptures of the sculptor sculptor Jean Alexandre Delattre born in 1935 in Puy de Dôme. And he has been practicing his passion for more than 50 years. 
    this artist has been asked to make many trophies such as the gold microphone that rewards French sports journalists, or the one who will celebrate the centenary of the Tour de France in 2019. 
    Many awards honour Jean Alexandre Delattre as the 1st prize of the sculptures soldered at the Musée des Arts et Métiers in Paris in 2001. 
    For a sculpture named man with flowers and for the other man on the saxophone. 
    Jean Alexandre Delattre has the quiet strength of one and the fraternal warmth of the other.
    This artist in the hands of gold and smiling humor works the iron in precious object, a true magician, he offers to matter the possibility of becoming a desired work of art. 
    His creative passion for sculpture came years ago. He is inspired by the silhouettes of his youth, basketball player, to create longiline characters whose elegance and harmony characterize his exhibitions. 
    New meetings, events or music are all inspiring. Humour and poetry are its strength. 

    There are permitted exhibitions of his works as at Domaine La Champagne, or on the garden facing the town hall of Rueil Malmaison. 

    the man with flowers is 2 meters tall and its base 50 cm by 50 cm
    The man on the saxophone is 1.94 m high and his base makes 60 cm by 60 cm
    the two sculptures are sold 14000 €. 

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