Beautiful portico pendulum column Empire in mahogany period 19 th

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ID 941219 DV 3517
1450 €
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    Beautiful period portico pendulum Empire model with 4 columns in plated mahogany, decoration of gilded bronze and carved with sets of flowers and lyres, it is quite rare because it carries its globe of origin. Its dial has a beautiful chisel work, the Roman numerals are visible on this enamelled dial. She has a very nice balancer her key to cheer her up. 
    This clock is in good working order and a very nice work of that time. 
    Base dimensions width 35 cm depth 26 cm height 6 cm
    Dimensions of the clock height 50 cm width 28 cm depth 16.5 cm
    Dimensions with globe height 70 cm width 33 cm deep 23 cm

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